Saturday, November 9, 2024
10:15 a.m.–noon
SDMA Boardroom
Be part of the Art of Reading Book Club, where art, literature, and art history converge. The subject of our discussion will be Every Rising Sun by Jamila Ahmed. We will dive into One Thousand and One Nights through Shaherazade’s eyes! In this thrilling retelling, she uses her storytelling skills to survive beheading, palace intrigue, betrayal, and war. Jamila Ahmed’s debut brings twelfth-century Persia and one of literature’s most fascinating women to life. Don’t miss out on this enriching conversation!
Coffee and light snacks will be served.
Please save your spot by Wednesday, November 6, by clicking on this link. Prior to entry all participants are required to check in at the SDMA rotunda admissions desk, after which you will meet in the Museum boardroom.
Click here to purchase Every Rising Sun from The Museum Store.