Saturday, August 10, 2024
10:15 a.m.–noon PT
Museum Boardroom
Be part of the Art of Reading Book Club, where art, literature, and art history converge. On August 10 we will discuss The Other Side: A Story of Women in Art and the Spirit World by Jennifer Higgie. The Other Side delves into the lives and work of extraordinary women artists from various eras, including Hildegard of Bingen, a twelfth-century mystic, composer, and artist; Georgiana Houghton, a nineteenth-century English spiritualist; Hilma af Klint, an early twentieth-century Swedish artist; Agnes Pelton, the “Desert Transcendentalist”; Emma Kunz, a Swiss healer who used geometric drawings in her treatments; and Ithell Colquhoun, a British surrealist and occultist with a collection recently acquired by Tate gallery. Despite their unique styles, these women shared a common goal: to communicate with and learn from other dimensions.
Join us for a lively discussion on the book, alternative ways of understanding the world, and the impact of spiritualism on feminism and contemporary art. The Other Side is a powerful blend of memoir, biography, and art history that offers a radical reappraisal of these marginalized artists. Don’t miss out on this enriching conversation!
Coffee and light snacks will be served.
Please save your spot by Wednesday, August 7, by clicking on this link. All participants are required to check in at the Museum rotunda admissions desk then meet at the Museum boardroom.
Free for members | $20 for nonmembers