Tuesday, January 5
2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m. PT
View over 100 stunning photographs by 43 artists in this wide-ranging special exhibition of works from the Cam and Wanda Garner collection. Images are grouped according to three themes: Reflecting on Nature: Majesty and Mystery; Things as They Are: City, Society, and Conflict; and Manipulating Reality: Abstraction and Allegory. The works span more than 100 years of photography, from pioneering efforts in the early 20th century to the present day. The virtual tour is based on a special exhibition running through March 2021.
Please reserve your spot by clicking on this link. All participants will be sent the Zoom link and instructions via email once you secure your place. Space is limited.
Hosted by The San Diego Museum of Art Docent Council.
Featured: William Edward Dassonville. Yosemite Valley, 1905. Platinum print. Collection of Cam and Wanda Garner.