The Board of Trustees provides governance and leadership for The San Diego Museum of Art.

Trustees work with staff to ensure that the Museum fulfills its mission to inspire, educate, and cultivate curiosity through great works of art.

To reach members of the Board of Trustees, please contact the Office of the Executive Director.


President | Robert Dotson
Past President | Taffin Ann Ray
Vice President | Toni Bloomberg
Vice President | Rachel Inmon
Vice President | Micki Olin
Treasurer | James Kinney
Secretary | Kim Sokol-Fuller
Assistant Secretary | Frank Rogozienski


Rocio Berho
Michael Blasgen, PhD
Anthony Boganey, MD, FACS
Rory Brown
Ken Cariffe
Fernando Casasempere
Valerie Cooper
Jeri Crawford
Marianela de la Hoz
Jon Doellstedt
Laura Embry
Joan Fabiano
Jennifer Findley
Pamela Gabriel
Mell Gallahue
Armando Ibarra, Jr.
Jacqueline Johnson, PhD
Ann Clare Kessler, PhD
Buzz Kinnaird
Anne Varick Lauder, PhD
Polly Liew
Jaimi Lomas
Janice Lowenberg
Lester Machado, MD, DDS
Sarah Marsh-Rebelo
Laurie McGrath
Joanie O’Leary
Yolanda Orrantia
Zoraida Payne
Jeanette Favrot Peterson, PhD
Laura Ramsey
Claudio Robertson
Arturo Rodriguez
Demi Rogozienski
Whitney Skala
Phyllis Speer
Karen Stone
Susan Urquidi
Bill VanDeWeghe
Rhianna White

Trustees Emeriti

Paul Mosher
Ellen Whelan*


*In memoriam

Featured: Maximilien Luce, Notre Dame (detail), ca 1900. Oil on canvas. Gift of Ambassador and Mrs. Maxwell Gluck. 1985.77.