Saturday, October 7
3:00 pm Registration
3:15 pm Film
A beautiful, affluent young woman woman named Priya (played by Sonali Kulkarni – Bride & Prejudice) is suddenly widowed and left to fate. Alone in a land of extreme contrasts, she seeks peace in the “City of Widows,” but instead of finding solace, Priya finds a cruel world filled with brutality. Despondent, she meets three remarkable women and together they embark on a journey of empowerment as they fight for the rights of the widows of India in this ultimately hopeful and uplifting story. PG-13, 1 hour 34 minutes.
The screening is followed by a Q&A with Linda Mandrayar, the film’s Executive Producer.
Sponsored by The Committee for the Arts of the Indian Subcontinent (CAIS)
Please send your RSVP to Jas Grewal at 858-353-0302 or no later than 10.5.2017.
$8 students / $10 SDMA members / $12 nonmembers